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Мы предлагаем удобный сервис для тех, кто хочет купить – продать: земельный участок, дом, квартиру, коммерческую или элитную недвижимость в Крыму. //crimearealestat.ucoz.ru/



1. Underline the sentences true to the text:

• After having some coffee at the canteen the businessmen resume their talk.

After having a cold drink at the canteen the businessmen resume their talk.

They resume the talk after having lunch at the canteen.

  In his offer David proposed one external visit.

In his offer David proposed no external visits.

In his offer David proposed a few external visits.

• Pete asks David to cut a visit to the London Metal Exchange.

He asks David to cut a visit to a lawyer's company.

He asks David to cut a visit to a producing company.

• The Programme fee is ten thousand dollars per person.

The Programme fee is ten thousand pounds per person.

The Programme fee is one thousand pounds per person.

• The businessman agree to meet tomorrow to discuss some other details.

The businessman agree to meet to sign a Contract.

The businessman agree to sign a Protocol.

2. Underline the verbs in Present Indefinite. Translate the sentences into Russian:

After lunch the businessmen resume their talks.

Mr. Hill proposes a few external visits.

Mr. Smirnov asks him to cut one visit.

David agiees to cut the visit

They also discuss cultural exclusions

They agiee on the piogiamme fee

They agree to meet tomorrow afternoon.

Pete is satisfied with the results of the talks.

I don't think Nick /s- present at the talks.

ü                   verbs — глаголы

ü                   to be present   присутствовать

3. Make short dialogues:

• Example

— Do the businessmen discuss only one point?

— No, they do not.

They discuss a few points.

one external visit

one cultural excursion

one problem

one question


• Example

ü                   enough — достаточно

Does Pete piopose to cut a visit to the Metal Exchange?

— Yes, he does. There isn't enough time for all these visits.

the Bank of England

a lawyer's company

a small producing company

a small trading company

a company outside London


• Example

— Does Pete agiee to the Programme fee?

— Yes, he does. He doesn't make any comments.

(or: No, he doesn't. He makes some proposals.)

the cultural visits

the external visits

the topic of the lectures

the place where

the lectures will be lead

the period of the Programme


4. Answer the following questions:


frank — искренний, честный

Do you like this dialogue?

— No, I don't, to befrank. It is very long

(or Yes, I do. It is very realistic.)




the dialogue of Unit 1

the dialogue at the restaurant

the fax message of Unit 7

the exeicises of this Unit


5. Read the following:

• discuss










visit, visits



to resume



to propose


to settle





to sign



  after having lunch

after discussing this point

after making some calculations

  There are a few more things to discuss.

In your offer you proposed a few visits.

They may pay a few visits of their own interest.

That's right.

The Contract will be ready tomorrow.

See you tomorrow.

I can agree to that.

6. Translate into Russian:

In your offer you proposed a few external visits.

Could you cut a visit to the Metal Exchange?

A few participants are planning some visits of their own interest.

We shall have lectures in the mornings.

We shall have external visits in the afternoons.

Two afternoons are free.

The participants may easily have a few visits of their own interest.

I am always glad to help the participants.

I agree to cut the visit to the Metal Exchange.

It is settled then.

7. Match English and Russian equivalents:

And one more thing.

И вот самый важный вопрос.

What cultural excursions will the Group make?

И еще один вопрос.

Now comes the most im­portant question.

Я имею в виду стоимость программы.

I mean the Programme fee.

Давайте посчитаем.

Let me make some calcula­tions.

Стоимость программы 1 тыся­ча фунтов за одного человека.

You should take into con­siderations all the changes we made in the Programme.

Стоимость программы 10 ты­сяч фунтов за группу.

The fee is ten thousand pounds for the Group.

Вы должны учесть все изме­нения в программе, которые мы сделали.

The fee is one thousand pounds per person.

Какие экскурсии будут у группы?


8. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones:

• — There are a few more things ...

— Well, ... service.

— In your offer ... external...

— Yes, ... the Bank of England, Metal ...

— That's right. Could you cut ... A few ... Would you like         to have some time for a visit or two ...?

— Good. We shall have lectures ... and ... afternoons. Two       ... free. And the ... may easily pay ... If they need my help, I am ...

— Fine. It ... settled ...

• — And one more... What cultural ...

— I ... Windsor and Oxford.

— Fine. Now comes ... important ... I mean ...

— Let me make some ... Taking into considerations ...   the fee comes to ...

— In other words ... per person. I suppose I can ...

• — It seems time we have discussed ... and can ...

— When we meet tomorrow ... the Contract will be ...  and we shall ...

— See you ... if it is ...

— Good. See ...

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