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Biological Medicine in Geriatrics
by Ingo Füsgen M.D, Hartmut Heine M.D, Werner Frase M.D.

Biological medicine must not be regarded as the antithesis to conventional medicine, it must instead be seen as an essential part of the range of medical treatments available for elderly patients. Rational, indication-based use of homeopathic antihomotoxic remedies can reduce the use of chemotherapeutics, particularly in multi-morbid and often chronically ill elderly patients. (170 pages). 

 Biological Medicine in Orthopedics, Traumatology, and Rheumatology 
by Heinrich Hess, M.D.

Antihomotoxic medicine is a form of treatment using combination homeopathic preparations that can be matched to the indication, show excellent tolerability, and can be combined with conventional allopathic products. This 298-page book explains how even physicians without homeopathic training can use this form of scientifically-based homeopathy for the benefit of their orthopedic patients. 

 Biopuncture and antihomotoxic medicine
by Jan Kersschot, M.D.

Biopuncture - the extra dimension of injection - provides the practitioner with the basis for using biotherapeutic injections. The aim of this book is to provide (in 250 pages) the practitioner with the basis for using such injections and to show him or her what its possibilities are in clinical practice.

 Homotoxicology and Ground Regulation System (GRS)
by Hartmut Heine, M.D

This 75-page book discusses the structure and essential roles of the ground substance or matrix with its interactive systems and its implications for diagnostic and therapeutic measures in antihomotoxic medecine. Nothing less than a revolutionary approach to the maintenance of homeostasis.

 Inflammation means healing
by Bruno Van Brandt

Bruno Van Brandt is an authority in the field of homotoxicology and antihomotoxic medecine. This 80-page publication presents a different view on inflammation. Its is no longer seen as a disease process, but more as a self-regulating process of detoxification. As valuable regulation therapy, the antihomotoxic treatment adjusts this regulation instead of suppressing of blocking it.

 Injured...What now?
by Dr. Muller-Wohlfahrt and H.J. Montag

How to handle sport injuries when every minute counts is explained to you in a very practical and explicit book of 135 pages.

 Materia Medica, 4th Revised Edition, 2002
by Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg, M.D.

A comprehensive reference which gives information on the derivation and primary clinical uses of remedies Dr. Reckeweg frequently employed. Due to its prescriptions of nosodes, sarcodes and other generally less prescribed remedies, this volume is invaluable for practitioners. It can also be used well to complement other materia medica.

 Ordinatio Heel - Antihomotoxica & Materia Medica

(500 pages)

 Principles of Homotoxicology (vol.1)
by Ivo Bianchi, M.D. 

Dr. Bianchi is a tireless educator on Homotoxicology. In this book, he discusses the concepts of health and disease and provides a close examination of a few selected single remedies. His clinical papers on treating cancer and other diseases also appear in this publication.

 Biological Medicine
by Franz Schmid, M.D.

This valuable publication contains "definitions, standpoints and approaches for biological medicine, naturopathy, and special therapeutic techniques”. Many biological modalities are covered including homeopathy, acupuncture and neural therapy (139 pages). 

 Biological Medicine in Pediatrics
by Ulrich Wemmer

In this book the editor and the authors have put together a synopsis that gives brief definitions of pediatric clinical pictures and short descriptions of their typical symptoms. The book includes the therapeutic options offered by conventional medicine as well as biological medicine.


Homotoxicologie - Maladie et guérison par une thérapeutique Antihomotoxique
par Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg, M.D.

Cette traduction est une version abrégée (170 pages) de la célèbre édition originale allemande du Dr. Reckeweg sur l’homotoxicologie. Elle traite principalement des théories de la santé et de la maladie et elle s’adresse à tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la relation existant entre la médecine biologique et la science pure.

  Homotoxicologie et Biothérapie
par Bruno Van Brandt

Cet ouvrage explique d’une façon détaillée l’homotoxicologie; telle qu’élaborée par le Dr. Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg, et adaptée ensuite suivant les développements les plus récents de la médecine biothérapeutique. On y retrouve le système biorégulateur du Professeur Pischinger, la réaction d’assistance immunologique du Professeur H. Heine, les théories du Professeur F. Schmid et le modèle intégrant du Dr. I. Bianchi. On y trouve enfin des conseils pratiques et des stratégies thérapeutiques. Ce livre de 120 pages est un «must» pour tous ceux qui désirent approfondir leur connaissances en biothérapie.

 Médecine antihomotoxique en chirurgie dentaire journalière
par Werner Becker, M.D.

Cette brochure scientifique de 76 pages démontre la nécessité d’un point de vue holistique dans la médecine naturelle moderne. La thérapie antihomotoxique y a une place toute particulière. En fonction des problématiques actuelles comme, par exemple, les incompatibilités de plombages, des possibilités diagnostiques et thérapeutiques sont décrites. Un aperçu avec des recommandations thérapeutiques antihomotoxiques spécifiques dans la médecine dentaire complète le tout.

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