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Мы предлагаем удобный сервис для тех, кто хочет купить – продать: земельный участок, дом, квартиру, коммерческую или элитную недвижимость в Крыму. //crimearealestat.ucoz.ru/


AGGRESSION A general term that covers a range of hostile behaviour, some beyond normal social behaviour. Some physical diseases cause aggressive outbursts, e.g. temporal lobe epilepsy and hypoglycaemia (see diabetes). Certain men­tal disorders, such as antisocial personality dis­orders, alcohol or drug abuse and schizophrenia, may be associated with aggression.

Male sex hormones (androgens) appear to be linked to aggressive behaviour and aggres­sion is commoner among adolescents and young adults than other sections of the population.

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